Full Sail University

Bad Taste: Film Production MFA Grads Bite Into Film Festivals

Full Sail的电影制作MFA毕业生挖掘彼此的长处和短处,在各种电影节上取得成功.


When you talk to Priscilla Rojas, 你会立刻被她对自己的电影和旅途中遇到的人的兴奋所吸引. She loves the actual process of making films, but more importantly, 她为自己从Full Sail毕业后所做的工作感到自豪 Film Production MFA program in 2016.

Prior to her enrollment, Priscilla’s primary background was in media communications, a subject she studied while in her home country of Venezuela. As part of her thesis, 她制作了一部关于委内瑞拉电影的纪录片,但这篇论文最终不仅仅是一个项目, it led her to Full Sail to get her master’s degree in Film Production.


During her first month in Full Sail’s Film Production MFA program, 普里西拉和同学爱德华多·阿吉雷被分配到一个制作小组, Miguel Escobar, and Andrew Wallace. 这四个人将在整个og体育中一起工作, with each taking different roles in the production process. 正是通过这次团队任务,普莉希拉和米格尔意识到,他们对电影的兴趣并不是他们唯一的共同点. 他们都意识到,他们都学过媒体传播,而且在委内瑞拉长大,彼此距离很近.

“这太疯狂了,因为我们住得很近,但在来Full Sail之前我们从未见过面,” says Priscilla.

不同领域的背景帮助小组在完成论文的过程中扮演不同的角色. Eduardo and Andrew rounded out the group. 爱德华多之前曾在他的祖国墨西哥学习平面设计, 并且能够帮助团队完成电影项目的营销部分,而安德鲁对相机的熟悉和背景帮助团队在拍摄时填补了生产方面的空白.

“我的媒体传播背景对我的很多任务都有帮助,因为我知道如何处理采访和制定时间表,” says Priscilla. “我有准备电影制作所需的信息.”

As they went further into their program, 他们的课程要求选择一个剧本,以便制作一部论文电影. This thesis film would be presented as a package during their final months of the MFA program; creating a trailer for their project, marketing efforts, 参加电影节的策略也是课程的一部分, as well.

Bad Taste,根据米格尔写的剧本,被选为小组的论文电影. 他们的导师为他们提供的课程将对他们的小组有益,因为这部电影已被选为几个国际电影节的参赛作品.

“Learning how to manage the different phases of film, 从前期制作到向电影节提交影片, 变得更容易,因为我们的导师为我们做了准备——我们知道如何领导一个产品走向成功,” says Priscilla.

The experience of producing and getting Bad Taste into film festivals has been rewarding for Priscilla and the team. 他们希望自己的作品能参加几个电影节,但没想到它会这么快就得到认可. And while they’re definitely proud that Bad Taste has done so well, 是她和爱德华多一起为班级做的另一个项目给了普莉希拉意想不到的机会.

Following the success of Bad Taste当时,普莉希拉和爱德华多决定推广并提交一部他们之前合作过的电影.

“Eduardo and I worked on this project called Blue Blood for our Experimental Filmmaking course,” says Priscilla. “是爱德华多想出来把这部电影提交给国际吸血鬼电影和艺术节的.”

Blue Blood, which has been selected for eight film festivals, 这是一部以未来为背景的短片,以一种更像吸血鬼的新物种为主角,并有能力影响现有的人类种族吗.

Despite graduating in 2016, 在Full Sail工作期间,这群人建立了一种纽带,使他们取得了令人印象深刻的早期成功. 普里西拉、爱德华多和安德鲁一起搬到了迈阿密,继续在项目上工作. They currently work for an independent production company, Alpha Entertainment Services, producing two television shows called La Hora del Brunch, a live show, and Destino en la Mira, which is about tourism and gastronomy.

For Priscilla and her colleagues, 在Full Sail中学到的经验帮助他们将自己的工作从小规模发展到国际规模.

“Peter Gordon, one of our instructors, told us that networking is fundamental these days,” says Priscilla. “And it’s totally true. 我很感激我交了很多朋友,我们还能在这些项目上一起工作.”